1,000+ solutions for a more sustainable future

By completing the first global circumnavigation in a solar-powered airplane on 26 July 2016, Solar Impulse made previously un-imagined history. Since then Bertrand Piccard has pursued the goal of finding environmentally friendly, practical, financially viable solutions to existing global problems.
Serial-explorer Bernard Piccard has dedicated his life to finding the best sustainable solutions to improve the environment and life on the planet. After spending four years searching for solutions, selecting them and testing their feasibility, the foundation has completed its comprehensive guide to cleaner future with over 1,000 concrete projects.

Bertrand Piccard, serial-explorer and founder of Solar Impulse
Piccard believes that the Solar Impulse solutions bring undeniable benefits to companies, creating workplaces, have a positive impact on the environment by reducing the harmful effects on it, and generate profits.
Exploration is a state of mind. If we want to innovate and achieve impossible goals, we have to understand that the only obstacle to succeed is our mindset. It's the accumulation of beliefs and habits that keep us prisoners of old ways of thinking.
A simple guide to exceptional projects
The selected Solar Impulse solutions are all characterised by the fact that they are cost-effective and profitable. Projects included in the guide are carefully selected and must meet certain criteria, such as technical viability, impact of the solution on the environment, capacity to deliver an economic impulse for the client and profits over the short term. They must be a physical product, a technology, an industrial process, or a service (read more about the criteria here).
Thanks to 'Cleanprint' – a blueprint that shows how to achieve more sustainable solutions in specific industries and sectors, cities and countries – decision makers clearly understand the benefits of the solution and the steps needed to implement it for solving existing problems.
The guide, due to be published in summer 2021, will make it easier to find products, processes or services for professional and private needs, with the guarantee that they are good for the environment.
120 Swiss solutions for a sustainable future
Over 1000 solutions are part of the initative, giving interested parties a concrete selection for almost all applications - in a more efficient and sustainable world.
The validated solutions include no fewer than 120 Swiss projects ranging from A for Automobile to W for Water Production.
Cortexia supports cities in managing their sanitation departments by providing accurate and real-time monitoring of urban cleanliness. A clean city is more attractive and healthy. Less litter will end up in the environment. Cleaning resources are engaged when and where necessary, based on the cleanliness level to be achieved, and generating energy, water and cost savings.
The Gjosa solution is a patented technology saving up to 79% of water and energy used during daily routines such as showering, while providing a unique and pleasant experience.
PET waste can be upcycled into a new building material to address the growing international housing crisis. The UHCS Recycled PET house is a modular construction system that up-cycles PET plastic waste into a high-performance, low-cost and flexible building structure. It saves 81% of CO2 emissions and 7.7 tonnes of aggregates compared to a concrete structure.f
All these projects follow the path of the best known project – the solar-powered Solar Impulse plane, which made history when Bertrand Piccard completed the first 40,000 km round-the-world trip without fuel. It was a huge leap forward towards a sustainable future.